March 6 2017

Has anyone ever been in a tornado? Anyone? Well I haven't but we had a close call experience this week! On Tuesday my companion Elder Jewell and I were just going about our business when my district leader calls us with some news. A tornado had touched down close to Chicago and was heading our way! The sky was dark and stormy and the wind was getting a little rambunctious, but the thing was we were very far from our house. So what do we do? Run. Haha yep! We just took off running towards the nearest train station, which fortunately was only about 15 blocks away. I use the word only because we actually were able to catch a bus after about 5 blocks of running. We made it home obviously! The more disappointing part of this story is that the tornado didn't actually get very close to us at all. We never even saw it. But it was a pretty exciting way to start the week!

Other big news is that I am being transferred! This didn't come as a huge shock even though I have only been here for three months. The crazy part was that my area is being shut down. Or better, taken over by the other elders in our ward. There will only be two sets of missionaries in Chicago second now. Super sad. Apparently this is happening because we are continuing to drop in number of missionaries in our mission. When I first started we had 250. Now we are hovering just over a hundred. The difference is actually pretty crazy here and we notice it for sure.

I also went on exchanges with my zone leader Elder Vandenhazel this week. If any of you recognize that name it is because I was comps with him for three transfers back in Chicago third! He has still been my longest lasting comp and it was super fun to be with him for a day. I got roped into singing a song in sacrament meeting for his ward because of our exchange. It was great and we had a blast!

As always thank you for all your love and support. Chicago is amazing! My birthday is next month also so for anyone who wants to send me something you can start thinking now:) love you all!!
Elder Jones

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