Hola from Mexico City everyone!! I made it here safe and sound and the flight was great. Jake was such a blessing to have at the beginning but now I rarely see him. I'll keep it short and sweet so people will actually read this! I really love this MTC. The food is pretty good most of the time. The people here are amazing and it is the biggest MTC in the world 93 acres of fun I will never see all of it. There are these giant palm trees that literally have dozens of parrots living in them!! It is the coolest thing.
The missionary life is a change but not anything that is too much for the Lord to ask. Waking up is actually kind of hard. My companion is great his name is Elder Hill from Lehi and my district even greater! We have a lot of fun. We are the only ones in our room when everyone else has 4 and it is freaking great:) I put my suitcases on the top bunk and live out of them for P-day clothes and sleeping stuff. I have run into Adrian a couple of times and Jon too and its such a blessing to see a face I know every once in a while. No complaints from the CCM (MTC here) and I would love to hear from all of you! You are all in my prayers and I know this work is true. Maybe more actual stories next week.
I love everything here. I am having a great time and killing spanish. Maybe next week yo puedo solo en espanol.
Tell Tracee she is the funniest person I know and that I still think about what she said to me last and die laughing. I love you guys and pray for you every night. I'm sure you have questions so just ask and I can answer on Tuesdays. Love you mom